When we first announced our bid to host the 2016 Summer Olympics, nearly everyone’s first reaction was “What a beautiful area to showcase to the world. Ely is a perfect location as long as the natural beauty is unharmed.” We on the Ely Olympic Planning Committee feel strongly that each and every Olympic location should showcase a beautiful part of our world (some of the previous locations, not so beautiful, but we won’t name call).
So you can imagine our delight to see that Dubai is strongly considering a bid for the 2020 Summer Olympics. The landscape of Dubai is in great contrast to our neck of the woods, but nonetheless beautiful. Trade our lush green wilderness for sand dunes, fresh lakes for the deep blue sea and our quaint downtown for a cosmopolitan metropolis and you’ve got yourself the best back-to-back Summer Olympic locations in history.
Of course, we’d like to think Dubai has been inspired by yours truly in their quest to bid for the 2020 games. Maybe we should offer them help in organizing their bid; after all, we are experts.
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